
Memberships are $20 per year and can be purchased at any time. 

Renewal fees are due by the May Quilt Show. 
You can now renew or purchase a new membership via online banking.

You may send an etransfer to the Barnswallow Quilters at the following email address: Please note: when sending the etransfer you will have to check the box acknowledging the auto deposit.

Or send a cheque to 

Barnswallow Quilters

#1-8 Elam St.

Morden  R6M 0E1

Or give Mary Anne Schmidt, our treasurer, a cheque at the show.

Membership includes a Barnswallow Quilters name tag. 

Membership also comes with the privilege of selling your handiwork, stash fabrics, etc at our Members Boutique at the show.

If purchasing a new membership, please email us with your full name, address, email address and phone number.

The email address is required so that we can send you notifications of upcoming events and/or changes.